Sunday, 19 July 2015

Student's behaviour Problems: Reasons And Solution

 In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Students' problems: Truancy, Vandalism, Gangsterism, Misbehaviour


According to a latest statistic shown, __________ tops the list of major problems among our students. Almost every day, students are caught __________Most of these students desire to get attention from everyone. Besides, they lack of interest in learning and some of them just follow what their friends have done.Indeed, it is a serious problem that must be nipped in the bud.


The three main causes of these problems are: parental neglect, lack of interest in learning, influence of bad companions and lastly will be the influence from media.


The first reason why children __________ is neglect by parents. Nowadays, most of the parents would have to keep working to make a living. It causes that they do not have time to pay attention to their children. When the children lack of the care and attention they need, they start misbehaving or do notorious acts in order to draw the attention of their parents towards them. To overcome this problem, parents ..........


Next, the lacks of interest in studies as well as the influence of bad companionsare other factors to make children __________. Students may find lessons boring or they could not follow what the school teachers have taught in school. To escape from these problems, they started to stay away from school and it is dangerous as they may easily mix with the bad friends. As they are young and ignorant, they may trust other people easily as long as someone trusts them in their ability. To combat this problem, ..........


Last but not least, the influence of media is also the factor which we have to pay attention to. We live in a world where technology and human interaction are now closely related. This has surely re-shaped our social behavior. Now, even children have many channels to get information such as internet, DVDs, TV, etc. If they are not too old enough to distinguish between good and bad things, they will imitate what they see. Hence, in order to.....


In conclusion, students behave badly most probably because of .......



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